The importance of quality in VET has been highlighted by the EU in many declarations such as the Bruges declaration of 2010. The practical result has been the development of Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) and lately the standard European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). A thematic network (QALLL) was created, aiming to improve the standards of vocational education and training.
Folkuniversitetet, the lead partner of this project, was representing Sweden in QALLL-network. Together with other partners, they initiated and developed 3 projects concerning CQAF. The main conclusion from these projects was the same: Why all these quality assurance projects have difficulty to be mainstreamed and used by a wider range of VET providers?
Analysis (during 2014-15) of these projects gave the same answer that has been given by research: quality is a different thing for every category of staff in VET institutions.
The answer to this question was the main idea behind the QC-VET project.
Therefore, the aim of the project is to develop guidelines for facilitating and ensuring the involvement of teachers. The guidelines will cover the following aspects according to the EQAVET quality cycle; how to:
- create awareness of quality assurance ideology and benefits
- engage staff in the selection of Quality assurance model
- plan the evaluation process of QA finding with the teaching staff
- review and plan for improvement of the VET-activities
- promotion of a shared vision on VET-education